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A can of French SnailsEscargots, Lumache, Caracoles de Tierra or Snails

A prized delicacy for millennia, the remarkable escargot has finally achieved popularity among American diners. Historically, escargot was a specialty reserved for only the wealthiest Romans until the culinary evolution of the snail reached its apex in France. There, over time, the disparities in the qualities associated with the different species of snails were discovered. Specifically, the helix variety became, and remains, the most desired.

Here is the recipe and instructions on how to make them at home! More than just an appetizer smothered with garlic butter, the Wild Burgundy Snail (Helix Pomatia Linne) offers unparalleled versatility. Even cold from the can, you will find the delightful flavors of nature - grasses and grape vines among others on the snail's diet. So toss them pasta, float them in a soup, skewer them for kabobs, saute them with vegetables, serve them over fresh fish, or stuff them in poultry dishes. Play!

The snails of Potironne, a preferred brand, are still harvested and calibrated by hand in the wild. Coupled with a cooking method perfected in 1894, this ensures perfection, using 100% natural and organic ingredients. The formula is quite simple, frankly. Begin with purely wild Burgundy Snails delivered live, hand-sorted by size, washed, and cooked. Then, according to the strictest hygienic standards (HAACP Certified), the escargots are conserved for sale. There are many other find brands like Roland and Eiffle Tower

As you may not know, escargot is unmatched in nutritive value. They appeal to US diners seeking low-carb alternatives with versatility and style. Similarly, their minute caloric value appeals to the weight-conscious, while their outstanding calcium content appeals to women. Furthermore, rumors abound regarding the snail's cancer-prevention properties. All this aside, taste and palate are paramount. (text from igourmet.com)

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